How to install WhatsApp for different os platforms
Whatsapp is a free sharing service which allows you to share your thoughts in the public by your personal
phone is most popular by its video sharing.It was bought by facebook corporation for a very big price.By this app we can chat group chats,share photos,media,share places and many more.Whatapp is a multi-platform app.It is available in many operating systems lie blackberry,apple,windows and mainly android.It consumes very less data plan like gmail it will not cost you to send replays or to be in touch with your friends.
TO Download whatsapp for following platforms click the links below
Whatsapp for android
Whatsapp for Iphone
Whatsapp for windows
Whatsapp is the most convenient way of sending messages and sharing thoughts.whatsapp is almost supported by every operating systems.some tools help in managing our group chats and conversations.
It compresses the data of your image or video which helps in sharing things easy but it leads to some quality decrease of the can manage your groups by your own interest you can delete your self from a group or group conversation by your own will.
It is most easiest way to chat or stay connected with your friends with less cost unlike messengers in phones.