Samsung UE48JU7000T- A terrific 4K TV
An excellent - if slightly small - UHD TV with an impressive set of specifications. You will though have to get your hands dirty in the system settings to nail a quality image.
- Affordable for high-end UHD
- Outstanding contrast performer
- Great with 3D
- Good smart system
- Needs careful setup otherwise…
- …There's significant motion blur
- Blooming during off-axis viewing
Resolution revolutionThat native UHD resolution finds it sporting 3840x2160 pixels rather than the 1920x1080 of full-HD TVs, delivering four times as much resolution. Some will question the usefulness of so many pixels on a screen that's only 48 inches across, arguing that you can't appreciate all those pixels on a relatively small screen.
Backlight chatAlso catching my eye is the UE48JU7000T's backlighting system. For rather than the edge LED lighting engine I would have expected on a £1,400 UHD TV, it sports direct backlighting, where the LEDs are positioned directly behind the screen.
Introducing Tizen

Enter the third dimension
I couldn't help but be struck by how the UE48JU7000T doesn't ship with any 3D glasses included as standard. Samsung has previously been one of the most generous manufacturers when it comes to including 3D glasses, so you have to wonder about the format's future if even Samsung is no longer enabling 3D viewing right out of the box on one of its poshest TVs.